The 12th meeting of radio managers at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries' Joint Program Production Institution (GCCJPPI) concluded here on Monday with an agreement to increase production of programs that would target not only the Gulf region but also the rest of the world. The two-day meeting was fruitful and emphasized the GCC media's mission in delivering the nature and culture of the GCC countries in a fluid and modern way that could be easily read by different audiences. The mission of the GCC media is to correct misconceptions about countries of the Gulf region, therefore, it is of utmost important to produce programs that speak to the west in their own language. The Executive Director of GCCJPPI, Abdulmohsen Al-Bannai said that the meeting focused on creating "a new vision" for the Gulf production body where significant documentaries about the Gulf culture are presented in both Arabic and English languages. Other GCC radio managers agreed that future productions should target children and young adults since they form a large segment of any society. They also agreed to highlight national security issues and women's roles in building societies in special features.