NPR officials say the public radio network is suing a Colorado Christian pastor for alleged trademark infringement of its popular \"Science Friday\" show. Bob Enyart, the self-described fundamentalist pastor of the Denver Bible Church in Arvada said his KLTT radio show, \"Real Science Friday,\" challenges, rather than imitates, the NPR show \"Science Friday,\" The Denver Post reported Sunday. The suit, brought by NPR\'s producers of ScienceFriday Inc. in federal and New York state courts, also includes allegations of cybersquatting. The NPR show\'s representatives said the similar names are confusing and Science Friday\'s fans are sometimes diverted to, Enyart\'s website. \"We have spent 20 years plus building the name of \'Science Friday\' and consider ourselves a trusted source of science information. We have more than 2 million listeners a week. We want to make sure we are protecting our reputation,\" said ScienceFriday Inc. spokesman Christian Skotte. NPR\'s suit claims the name \"Real Science Friday\" and a look-alike logo promoting Enyart\'s radio show website violates ScienceFriday\'s rights. NPR\'s suit demands damages of $100,000 or more.