Radio Kuwait and other local stations will start broadcasting short traffic messages to ease traffic congestion as school year begins tomorrow, Sunday. The Ministry of Interior's Public Relations and Media Security Department and the Ministry of Information's Radio Kuwait have met to create a joint team to work on providing the pubic with "quick and effective" security and traffic related short messages. Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information Yousef Mustafa, who chaired the meeting, said that the team will produce a batch of security and traffic awareness messages and live interviews with on-ground police officers. These messages will be broadcast on all of the country's radio stations. This move will see the light on Sunday when school year begins which is normally accompanied by traffic congestion, Mustafa noted; these messages will ease traffic overflow at peak hours, he added. He advised the public to tune into the radio early in the morning to get updates on traffic conditions in order to get to their destinations with ease and comfort.