International Red Cross in Yemen

The official spokesman of the International Red Cross in Yemen Adnan Azam said that the humanitarian situation is very serious, especially after more than two years of conflict in the country and the spread of epidemics such as cholera and the inability of service sectors to provide services to Yemenis.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that there are more than 2 million displaced people, and there is a collapse in the economy, which made many without a source of livelihood, stressing that Yemen is witnessing a humanitarian crisis in the sense that there is no Yemeni home and not affected by this conflict.

He said that the conflict has produced a tragic situation, and led to the deterioration of the living conditions of millions of Yemenis in different provinces, adding that there is a major problem which is food insecurity.

He added that millions of Yemenis today rely on the humanitarian organizations and other relief centers and social initiatives and charitable food in the absence of salaries and the collapse of the economy, the simple Yemeni citizen cannot meet his daily needs of food, water and medicine.

He stressed that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been trying to provide relief to the suffering of millions of Yemenis in the health and relief sectors. Last year, the ICRC assisted 3 million Yemenis through its interventions and humanitarian activities, especially in support of the health and water sector.

He added that the organization has supported 19 cholera treatment centers in 12 Yemeni governorates through the provision of intravenous fluids and quenching solutions, as well as supporting the Yemeni Red Crescent volunteers through awareness campaigns on prevention of the epidemic in various governorates.