Iraqi parliamentarian Emad Youhana

Iraqi parliamentarian Emad Youhana justified the delay of Iraq’s new arms deals, saying that the financial crisis witnessed in the country was a major cause, calling at the same time the government to conclude new arms deal with the Russian side. He pointed out that US weapons need maintenance which would cost large amounts of money.
He added, in statements to "Egypt Today", that the reason for Iraq's delay in the conclusion of new arms deals is the financial crisis, which passes through the country in the first place, and that the other reason is that Iraq has previously contracted to buy weapons from several companies, and start receiving them through this year in the form of intermittent payments.
He added, "Iraq contracted with the United States to buy weapons earlier, and now receives in the form of stages and pay the amounts with the receipt of every payment, indicating that" Iraq's debt of arms deals, which contracted for the continuation of the conduct of military operations, are few and not expensive, because the majority I paid in advance when the contracts were concluded. "
He pointed out that the Iraqi government to resort to new countries to help Iraq to modernize the force and air defenses and the armed forces, without relying entirely on the American side. He explained that the American side has broken its promises on the processing of security forces, especially in the deal of fighter aircraft (F-16), despite the need for Iraq in that period after the occupation of the organization," urging "one-third of the country without America moving silent, despite the agreement The strategic framework, pointing out that US weapons, need constant maintenance and cost Iraq large amounts unlike the eastern weapons.
He added that the Russian side equipped the Iraqi army with combat helicopters strike and fighters Sikhui, rockets and light weapons very quickly, adding that the purchase of Iraq's Russian tanks T-90 is a very good step, because of the durability of these tanks and the price and maintenance.
He revealed that the House of Representatives and the Committee on Security and Defense Parliamentary seeks to diversify the sources of armament and benefit from our relationship with most of the world, which has experience in the field of military industries, especially as there is a continuous depletion of weapons and equipment and military equipment, because of the ongoing war in more than one of my combat against Organizing a preacher.
He added that the strategy of Iraq at the level of foreign policy, is to build the best relations with various countries of the world, by establishing rules of common interests with them, adding that" the Russian side showed great cooperation in all areas of cooperation and in particular armaments.
He disclosed that John obtained from Russia from Russia more than 20 mechanism (Bantseer - S1N) and about 40 fighter jets of the model (Mi - 35) and (May - 28), as part of arms deals signed by Iraq in 2012 and 2013 with the company Export of Russian arms (Russ Auburn Express) and began to receive payments in 2014.
He explained the decision of the House of Representatives on the mechanism, a military mechanism, owned by only five countries in the world, is intended to combat aircraft and missiles attacking at low altitudes and contains 30-mm rapid machine guns and rocket launchers anti-aircraft and missiles