
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) officials expressed dismay yesterday after watching a television documentary by German broadcaster ARD detailing continued violations by Russia’s athletics programme.

Russia’s Red Herrings, contained new allegations suggesting malpractice by several people in the Russian anti-doping system and alleges someone from the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) gave advance warning to athletes of testing plans.

In addition, the report said an individual connected with the All-Russian Athletics Federation was providing banned substances to athletes and that a coach who was sanctioned following WADA’s report on the programme is still operating as a coach in Russia despite the ban.

WADA said it will try to verify the allegation and confirm when the evidence for the report was collected.
At a time when trust in sport is wafer thin, these troubling assertions will do little to reinforce confidence in the Russian anti-doping system when clean athletes need it most,” said WADA Cresident Craig Reedie.

“The allegations suggest that there is still much, much work to be done in Russia and that we will need the full and unwavering cooperation of the Russian authorities to reverse the damage. Until this happens, clean athletes won’t be able to trust that there is a level playing field.”

It comes as some athletes have called for Russian athletes not to be allowed to compete at the upcoming Rio de Janeiro Olympics for earlier violations now being considered by the global governing body, IAAF as well as Russian authorities.

“I have no doubt that they will look at these matters without delay and draw the appropriate conclusions,” Reedie said. “When sports officials offer banned substances to athletes, deliberately provide advance notice of tests, or continue coaching when they have been banned from coaching, their actions only serve to undercut the globally accepted system that we have spent years putting in place.

“These allegations will further disgust clean athletes around the world and, reinforce in their minds that there is still much work to be done to repair the anti-doping system in Russia.”

WADA is working with RUSADA to assist efforts to restore the programme under the World Anti-Doping Code. Testing is now being overseen by the UK Anti-Doping group.

Reedie said the next important step is to install two international experts in Russia to ensure that the anti-doping system is free of undue interference and is fully independent, including a review of all current staff.

Reedie said in light of the new German documentary allegations, it is imperative that the two experts begin their work at RUSADA immediately.

“I will not hesitate to act swiftly to ensure that any breaches to the Code are dealt with firmly and expeditiously,” Reedie said.

“Strong and decisive action by all sporting authorities is imperative if clean athletes, and indeed the public at large, are to retain belief in the integrity of sport.”
Source: AFP