Flood in Africa

Footage related to flood risk management in Africa – including:

B-roll and general views:
•General outside and inside views of Le Bourget COP21 (audience, people,…)
• General views of the panel audience• General views of the African pavilion
• General views of flooding panel• General views of Africa: Hydromet program, weather forecasting organizations
• General views of South African Weather service

• Augustine B. Njamnshi on climate evolution and information
• Koko Warner, UNU Migration Network on early warning systems
• Tom Owiyo (AfDB) on special fund objectives
• Justus Kabyemera, Banque Africaine de Développement (African Development Bank) on problems encountered
• Denis Opiyo Opondo, Maseno University, Kenya on Kenya flooding initiative
• Arame Tall – CCAFS: critics of delays, promises not full filled or lack of organization
• Justus Kabyemera, African Development bank on hamonization in weather forecasting systems

Please see the video clip details for shotlist and further information.
More content on Africa at COP 21 available here: http://www.thenewsmarket.com/africandevelopmentbank