A special plane of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations /EMERCOM/ has delivered 80 fan heaters, bought by the Predaniye Orthodox charity foundation, to the regions affected by the flood in the Far East. A co-organiser of the voluntary Amur-13 mission, Vsevolod Makhov, told Itar-Tass the fan heaters would be used to dry up basements of apartment buildings and some of them would be distributed among residents of private houses. Earlier, Chairman of the Union of Far East Federal District’s Constructors Eugene Korolev explained to Itar-Tass if before mid-October basements of apartment buildings were not dried up, the houses might ruin. “Up to October 15, the weather will be rather warm. The authorities should do everything to dry up house basements in order to avoid a tragedy,” he said. “At first, it would be necessary to pump water from basements and then to install fan heaters there. In two-three days the fan heaters should be removed to see, whether basements are still damp. If they are, the procedure should be repeated. We are short of time. Freezing temperatures are forecasted after October 15, the water will freeze, and the consequences may be unpredictable.” The Predaniye charity foundation also has sent to the Far East anti-fungus substances to be used inside houses and paid for special tablets to be used for disinfection of water and for water purifying systems.