Two-digit number I10 bags the highest bid of Dh6.7m

A set of 90 distinguished number plates generated Dh42 million at the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) 93rd distinctive number plates auction.

Though the only single digit number, Q2, which was expected to be the star attraction, went unsold, three other numbers together fetched Dh15 million.

The plate I10 was the auction topper, selling for Dh6.7 million, while Q12 and C55 fetched Dh5 million and Dh4 million respectively.

Speaking about the auction, Ahmad Behroozian, CEO of RTA Licensing Agency, said: “The auction was quite popular as more than 500 people participated in bidding for 91 plates that were on offer.”

Among the three-digit plates, C888 was the bestseller collecting Dh1.81 million, while M222 was sold for Dh1.44 million.

The star among the four-digit plates was I1000, which went for Dh1.1 million. Surprisingly, one of the five-digit plates L11111, was among the most sought after, after bagging Dh1.98 million, while E55555 was sold for Dh1.03 million

source : gulfnews