Russian watchdog may ban fruit

Russian veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor may ban fruit import from some EU countries within 1-2 weeks, said aid to the service’s chief Alexey Alexeyenko.
“We consider limiting supplies from some countries such as Poland, Moldova and the Netherlands,” he told ITAR-TASS.
Oriental fruit moth contaminated the fruit, he explained.
The watchdog’s chief Sergei Dankvert
earlier said Russia could restrict import of Polish apples because of moth as well as incorrect certificate execution. “We have already held preliminary talks. Punitive measures will be next,” Dankvert said.
Poland is major apple supplier to Russia: in 2013, Polish apples accounted for 49% of total apple imports in monetary terms. In the same period, Polish apple supplies increased 19% to $389 million year-on-year, according to the Federal Customs Service. In physical terms, imports grew 17% to 705,600 tonnes.
The mentioned fruit moth afflicts fruit and sprouts of peach, quince, pear and plum as well as apricot, apples, medlar and cotoneaster.