Rare wild animals were banned from official state dinners in China as part of a push to promote frugality and oppose extravagance, an official document says. The document, issued jointly by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council Sunday outlined regulations for use of public funds on receptions and official travel, the official Chinese news agency Xinhua reported. The new regulations ban luxury food items like shark fins, bird nests and rare wild animals at official receptions. Additionally, local hosts are only permitted to provide one reception dinner for officials on business tours. Cigarettes and high-end liquors are not allowed to be served at receptions, and they cannot be held at private clubs or other upscale locations, the document said. Receptions may also not be held at tourist attractions or commercial entertainment venues. The new guidelines bar local hosts from giving gifts of cash, negotiable securities, souvenirs or other local products. The document said the new regulations are meant to promote frugality, and oppose extravagance and corruption among government authorities.