\"101 Books Exhibition\" to take place

12 Arab countries will be taking part in the \"101 Books Exhbition\" in Alexandria. From 10-12 September, the Anna Lindh Foundation will organise the second edition of the 101 Books Exhbition in Alexandria, Egypt.  The exhibition will be inaugurated on September 10, 2011 at the Swedish Institute in Alexandria with a roundtable discussion lead by Ms. Amal Farah, Egyptian children’s book writer on the topic of writing for children and choosing good books for children. The roundtable will begin at 6:00 pm and is by invitation only.   The exhibition will continue on September 11 and 12, at the Saint Gabriel School in Alexandria from 10:00-14:00 and will include more than 12 storytelling and arts activities for children based on selected titles from among the list of titles selected for the exhibition.  These activities are open to children aged 4-14.  Some workshops and sessions will be lead by renowned children’s book authors and illustrators from Egypt, such as Dr. Affaf Tobala, Dr. Hanadi Sleet, Ms. Kohinour Othman and Mr. Sherif Sayed. The 101 Books exhibition is an exhibition of 101 titles of Arabic non-translated children’s book published between 2008-2010.  It aims to provide a broad audience of children in the Arab world with exposure to quality story books and includes titles from more than 37 publishing houses in 12 countries, written by 77 authors and illustrated by 74 illustrators or designers.  The exhibition has been organised in Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt.