Mohammad al-Asousi

The 15th Kuwait Theater Festival will begin here on Wednesday with a ceremony to honor pioneering figures of the Kuwaiti theater movement, said Mohammad Al-Asousi, Assistant Secretary General of Arts and Theaters in the National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCAL).
Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Al-Asousi added that the honoring ceremony is one of the festival's features, noting the organizing committee was keen on awarding prominent figures of theater who contributed, during their careers, to improving and developing theatric works.
Al-Asousi pointed out that the NCCAL will honor prominent figures in theater, including Abdulhussein Abdulredha, Noriya Al-Roumi, Abdulamir Al-Turki, Husein Al-Meslim, Abdel-Aziz Al-Haddad and Sulaiman Al-Bassam.
The 10-day event includes eight performances, he added, noting that a seminar on "theater and war" will be held on the sidelines of the festival.
The seminar has a number of sessions, focusing on theater and war in human thinking, theater and shadows of civil war and theater and the liberation of Kuwait war, he noted.
Al-Asousi concluded that some awards will be granted for the best performance, actor, director and author.