Qurain Cultural Festival

Standing the test of time, the Qurain Cultural Festival proved itself as the premier cultural event in Kuwait which is entering its 21st incarnation this year.
The event will kick off on Monday.
Organized annually by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) since 1994, the Qurain festival always created a cultural and social "buzz" that attracted individuals from all walks of life.
For a usual period of three weeks, the festival puts on musical, theatrical, and cultural events conducted by Kuwaiti, Arab, and international talents which in return proves year after year that the Qurain festival was the main event for cultural enthusiasts from around the globe.
The other incarnations of the Qurain festival "took it up a notch" by hosting and honoring many local, regional, and international intellectual and artists as well as many nations, dedicating seminars and lectures to showcase their cultural inputs and traditions.
The naming of the Qurain festival traces back to historical causes as Qurain is originally one of old names of Kuwait in the late 18th century.