'Al-Ferda' Algerian group

The Algerian group "El Ferda" participated Wednesday in the opening ceremony of the 3rd edition of the festival of Arab art in Beijing.
As part of the joint show "Les rêves de la route de la soie" (the dreams of the Silk Road), "El Ferda" presented alongside other Arab and Chinese troups Sufi folk song representing under the theme "El oumnia el djamila" (the beautiful dream).
Besides troups, ten troups also partook in the show including Lebanon dance and song troup that presented "Ostora charquia" (Oriental legend) on a piece of Algerian heritage.
The Arab folk heritage was highlighted by the various Arab troupes participating in this show like the Jordanian folk arts troupe who presented a show titled "El Hayat Essaida" (happy life) and the Egyptian troupe "Dar El Opera "which presented" El qasaid el khalida"(Eeternal peoms).