International Cultural Festival of Contemporary Dance (FCIDC

Troupes from Algeria, Greece, Burkina Faso and China played Monday night at the National Theatre Mahieddine Bachtarzi (TNA), part of the 6th International Cultural Festival of Contemporary Dance (FCIDC), held under the sign of reconciliation and friendship between peoples.
The Algerian troop "Duo nuance",which opened the evening with "Shadow and reality," a choreography of a quarter of an hour designed and made by Hennani Aissa and Najib Salhi in stretches of a dialogue between a sad reality facing its own failings, backed by a music with melancholic tone, composed by the duo.
For its part, Greek "Prosxima Dance Compagny " presented "A Solo for Harp year, a woman and a deer," choreographed by Maria Koliopoulou which searches to learn more about the body, carrying a living message.
"Yam-Ni-Ka" troupe from Burkina Faso entered into competition with "Macardey", a show dedicated to the abandoned children.
Chinese troupe "Dance College of Shanghai Theatre Academy" of China, the last to appear before the public, proposed a show where the precision of gesture compacted depth of message.