Poetry Festival in Tunisia

Four Algerian poets from El Oued are participating in the 34th International Poetry Festival, in Tozeur (southwest of Tunisia) from5 to 8 February, along with poets, critics, artists from 15 Arab and European countries, according to the festival's website.
The annual cultural event, which will be held under the theme "Poetry and Translation," will be marked by the participation of Said Al-Mortada, who is considered one of the most important figures of modern poetry in El Oued and most of his poems tackled national, Arab and Islamic issues, including "al harf anta", "hadith al oroba" and "zad al mozad."
The Festival will be also attended by Said Harir, one of famous modern poets of the southern province, as well as al  Maidani Ben Omar, whowon the first prize of the 2014 Vertical Poetry Forum at Amirat-al-Hajjaj in Monastir (Tunisia) for his poem "Mazamir Al Abir", in addition to Yousef al-Ṭawil, Jamil Abu Sabih (Jordan), Ali Ayel Kathiri (Oman), Saad Abu Obeid (Palestine), Mohamed al-Ajami (Qatar), Salvatori Napa (Italy) and Rozelle Alicia Vega (Spain), as well as novelist Amr al-Amiri (Saudi Arabia), artist Ali Abdel Karim Hamad (Iraq), storyteller, novelist and researcher Mohammed Atrous (Morocco) and academic Mostafa Ragab( Egypt).
The festival programme includes a poetry evening and scientific conferences, which will focus on the translation of poetry as well as art exhibitions.