Algerian singer Idir

Algerian singers Idir and Mami will participate in the 10th Mediterranean Festival of Tamazight Culture “Twiza” in Tangier (north of Morocco), which will be held from 14 to 17 August under the theme “Africa to Africans,” said the local press.
Several figures of the African song will be present in this cultural event, namely Moroccan Saad Lamdjarred, Nigerian Ismael Lô and Ivorian Tikken Jah Fakoli.
The cultural plurality will be highlighted during this meeting through the organization of literary debate as well as book, painting and handicraft exhibitions.
Idir is one of the biggest Tamazight song stars in Algeria, becoming famous after his hit “Avava Inouva” in 1976, a piece which was translated into several languages.  
For his part, Mami knew his success in the world in 1999 after performing “Desert Rose” with British pop music star Sting.