Arab festival of Djemila

The 10th Arab Festival of Djemila kicked off Friday evening under the sign of solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza, with the participation of 301 artists from nine Arab countries.
The National Symphony Orchestra kicked off the festival, followed by Palestinian artist Mourad Souiti and  Rai singer Cheb Mami.
Culture Minister Nadi Labidi and National Solidarity Minister Mounia Meslem were present at the festival’s opening, alongside representatives from the Palestinian embassy in Algiers.
The festival’s opening evening was also marked by the presence of several ministers and local authorities, as well as a large audience, made up mainly of families, who listened to the letter of President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika, read on his behalf by Mohamed Ali Boughazi, advisor at the Presidency of the Republic.
In his letter, President Bouteflika welcomed the holding of this festival which contributes to the promotion of art by opening prospects of knowledge, cooperation and peaceful coexistence between the people.