A neo-Nazi music festival on tap for April in Brisbane, Australia, can\'t be stopped, the attorney general for Queensland state says. Paul Lucas rejected calls for legislation to prevent the Hammered Music Festival, the Brisbane Courier-Mail reported Wednesday. \"If they want to make total fools of themselves and demonstrate their mentality, then that\'s for them,\" Lucas said. \"But if they incite people to violence or breach the anti-discrimination provisions ... then we will refer the matter for investigation and prosecution.\" The white supremacist festival has been held on the Gold Coast the past two years. It is organized by the Southern Cross Hammerskins and the \"white-resistance\" group Blood and Honour Australia, which states its mission is to \"secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.\" \"We are not in the business of banning people who express moronic, stupid and wrong points of view,\" Lucas said. He said the state \"can\'t ban something on the basis of what people might do.\" Rob Messenger, an Independent member of Parliament, has sought to force the state to ban the festival. Messenger is preparing legislation that would include a mandatory jail sentence and fines up to $300,000 for anyone organizing neo-Nazi gatherings. Messenger said neo-Nazi activities were banned in Germany and Queensland could become a laughingstock if the festival were allowed a third year. He said the festival violates the Anti-Discrimination Act.