Bedouin families recall desert life in Hail festival

Thirteen Bedouin families are recalling the desert heritage and nomadic life of past generations at the 10th Sahara International Festival in Maghwat park in Hail.
The festival began Thursday and lasts for 10 days under the auspices of the emir of Hail, Prince Saud bin Abdul Mohsen bin Abdul Aziz.
The families have erected 13 tents on the mountains of Aja to give visitors a glimpse of Bedouin life in the desert. 
Families wake up as early as 6 a.m., when the festival gates open to visitors. They prepare food the Bedouin way — using fire, baking on sheets, and using milk, butter and fat from sheep — and serve it to visitors. 
The festival also includes camel and horse racing, and hawks and dogs used for hunting. 
Events supervisor Khaled Al-Habddan said the festival is reviving a social, economic and sporting culture that has almost disappeared.

Source : Arab News