Behind the scenes at the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday: HE WON'T BE INVITED AGAIN: He just loves celebrities -- so much so that he wants to hug them. And that's exactly what a 26-year-old Ukrainian journalist did when he burst onto the red carpet Friday night, threw himself to the ground and put his hands round "Ugly Betty" actress America Ferrera's ankles for a few seconds. Security officers rapidly intervened, escorting away the tuxedo-clad celebrity prankster Vitalii Sediuk, and the US actress continued her walk up the steps. While police refuse to reveal his identity, they say the man has a long record of ankle-grabbing and hugging, having already vented his affection on Will Smith, Madonna, British singer Adele and Leonardo DiCaprio. Chances are he won't be invited to the Cannes Film Festival again next year... TOO EARLY FOR COMFORT? It seems the tragic disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with 239 people on board is already being used as fodder for a new film. An ad on the back of the Hollywood Reporter entertainment-trade magazine for "The Vanishing Act" features a plane rising out of the clouds under the caption "The untold story of the missing Malaysian plane". The film is being promoted by Indian film director Rupesh Paul, the man behind erotic movie "Kamasutra 3D". His personal website says Paul "redefines all-round talent" and "his free spirit has been prized and puzzled by many." OOPS, WRONG NAME ON THE POSTER: Strolling round the multitude of stalls in Cannes' film market, one poster grabs the attention. It's for a movie about disgraced former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, promoted by a German production company. Nothing too unusual there, given the premiere on Saturday of Abel Ferrara's high-profile film starring Gerard Depardieu inspired by a court case, widely viewed as the one that brought "DSK" down. But according to the film poster, Nafissatou Diallo -- the New York hotel maid whom Strauss-Kahn allegedly sexually assaulted in 2011, prompting his downfall -- stars as herself. A printing mistake, according to the German firm. Diallo is actually played by actress Nancy Torto Agyapong. WHERE'S GRACE? Harvey Weinstein finally made it to Cannes after a trip with his wife Georgina Chapman to Syrian refugee camps in Jordan. The Hollywood mogul was pointedly absent from the world premiere of "Grace of Monaco" on Wednesday, the festival's much-maligned opening film that he is distributing in the United States. Weinstein has feuded with French director Olivier Dahan over the final version of the film, and while they finally reached an agreement this week to distribute the director's edit, it looks like Harvey is less than happy with the movie. According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Grace of Monaco" was conspicuously missing from the film mogul's preview of The Weinstein Co.'s upcoming slate presented at the luxury Majestic Hotel. Cornered by reporters, he admitted "that the Monaco royal family, which has objected to the film, has a 'legitimate problem' with the movie", suggesting there was an unspecified scene he would like to add back into the movie that would address their concerns.