Beyond its formidable connotations, literature, when pared down to its essential function, makes for one of the most enlightening experiences in life and to build a festival of thoughts associated with it has been a hallowed tradition in many countries, commented a U.A.E. daily. "Dubai has now impressively made a place for itself in this prestigious club", said 'Gulf News' in its editorial on Wednesday. Now in its sixth edition, the Emirates Literature Festival this year is once again bringing to Dubai a participative energy that is uplifting and thought-provoking as it embellishes the intellectual and cultural aspirations of people with its vast offering of cross-cultural views and opinions of writers, thinkers and chroniclers of life and history from around the world. "This creative coalescence, as a tradition, can do wonders for a society's intellectual growth. If we believe that we live in a global village, which we now accept is one way of looking at our world, we need to appreciate, support and make the most of endeavours like these that move us towards a greater purpose of collective understanding of how we all can coexist peacefully and with a meaningful exchange of ideas and values", concluded the paper.