Festival of Young Creators

Since 2003, the Festival of Young Creators has aimed at promoting the work of young Egyptian and/or francophone professionals working in the field of theatre.
In its 13th edition, the festival is a result of a dynamic cooperation between the French Institute in Cairo and the pre-selection committee represented by young independent artists from the fields of theater, dance and the arts (Salam Yousry, Karima Mansour and Tarek Douairy respectively).
The committee has chosen from over 40 applicants and selected 10 works that will be staged during the festival's upcoming edition, scheduled to take place between 28 February and 9 March.
Seven of the plays will take part in the official competition, while three — performed consecutively at the opening, mid-way and closing of the festival — will be outside the competition.
In it's press release, the French Institute underlined that this year sees a strong presence of French theatre, with plays by Eugène Ionesco, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre and Michel de Ghelderode. In parallel, the troupes will present works by Yasushi Inoué (Japan), Maria Lado (Russia), Alfonso Sastre and Fernando Arrabal (Spain), as well as a shadow theatre.
The jury of the festival's 13th edition includes Lenin El-Ramly, Hazem Azmy and choreographer Mirette Mechail.
Following tradition, some of the winners will be invited to participate in the renowned theatre festival held in summer in Avignon, France.
All performances will take place at the French Institute, on Madrasset E-Huquq El-Frinseya Street, Mounira, Cairo.
Source: Ahram Online