hood Al Roumi, Minister of State for Happiness

Based on the directive of Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, to involve all segments of the society in shaping the National programme for Happiness and Positivity, thousands of children will collectively inspire the logo that will represent the programme, Ohood Al Roumi, Minister of State for Happiness has said. 

Al Roumi, accompanied by Jameela bint Salem Al Muhairi, Minister of State for Public Education, announced the initiative during their visit to Mahra Bint Ahmed School in Ras Al Khaimah and American Academy in Dubai. The initiative draws a bigger valuable aim by instilling the values of happiness and positivity among UAE school students and not solely aim to inspire the logo. 

She said the initiative highlights the importance of each child and his or her role in shaping the future of happiness and positivity in the community. "Children represent the future of the UAE, and this initiative will help foster a culture of happiness and the spirit of positive and collective participation. The initiative also instils the sense of creating their own future and being responsible. 

Al Roumi said the initiative is in line with the directives of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid to involve children in spreading happiness and positivity in the community and enable them to shape the future of happiness in the UAE as they see it. Children have a rich imagination and a genuinely positive spirit, which will be reflected in the logo of the National Programme for Happiness and Positivity. 

She commended the efforts of the Ministry of Education, the Knowledge Human Development Authority, Abu Dhabi Education Council and school boards in the successful implementation of the initiative in all government and private schools. 

Urging the children to express their ideas and aspirations through their drawings, Al Roumi said, "I will personally review all the works of the children taking into consideration the design of the National Programme for Happiness and Positivity logo and other related initiatives in the UAE." 

On this occasion, Jameela bint Salem Al Muhairi, Minister of State for Public Education said, "It is a great pleasure to work in cooperation with the Minister of State for Happiness in the campaign that involves most UAE schools to design the logo of the National Programme for Happiness and Positivity. This initiative will help enhance the creative abilities of the students and involve them in the happiness and positivity of our nation." 

"The initiative supports our efforts to create activities that promote positive behaviour among students and achieve the government's vision of the future," Al Muhairi added. 

During their tour to Mahra Bint Ahmed School in Ras Al Khaimah, the ministers witnessed various activities on the theme of happiness. These included a musical show on the title, ‘Happiest Nation on the Earth', fine arts workshop on the title, ‘Joy and Happiness', and activities based on ‘My Happiness', ‘The International Language of Happiness' , ‘Health and Fitness for Happiness', ‘Reading for Happiness' , and the ‘Tree of Happiness'. 

The ministers also visited the American Academy at Al Mizhar in Dubai where they watched a musical show performed by the school band in collaboration with the students' project, ‘Drawing & Design'. 

The initiative to inspire the design of the logo of the National Programme for Happiness and Positivity is an opportunity to expand the imagination of the UAE children and enable them to express their understanding of happiness and positivity. It also has a unique spin that aims to promote a lifestyle of positivity and optimism through the concept of sharing and collective participation rather than competition, this builds up the spirit of teamwork. 

Parents and students from all parts of the UAE have expressed a positive feedback on the initiative and showed interest in participating in its activities.