Indians in Oman celebrating Holi

Indians in Oman celebrated Holi, the festival of colours to mark the arrival of spring, in Darsait on Sunday evening.

“The festival was organised in the temple in Darsait. Hundreds of people took part in the festival,”Itisha Seetha, a resident in Oman, said. 

Holi is celebrated over two days by Indians worldwide to mark the arrival of spring by throwing paint to symbolise the variety of colours brought in by the season.

It is also has a reference to Krishna, a god worshiped by Indians, whose skin was dark blue. The myth says that he feared his appearance would mean he wouldn't be accepted by his love Radha and so lightheartedly smeared her face in paint to make her look like him.

Indians now throw powdered paint at each other to mark the love of Krishna and Radha.

Meanwhile, many event management groups have organised Holi festival in Oman at different resorts and hotels

Source : Times Of Oman