International of folk dance

The different troupes, from ten countries and Algeria, have captivated Thursday night, the audience with their demonstrations, during the opening ceremony of the tenth  international festival of folk dances, in the Lakhdar-Saim open air theater in Sidi-Bel-Abbes.
The cultural association Wiam wa Elmossalaha of folk ballet of Sidi Bel Abbes, presented a dance Laâlaoui, reflecting the local heritage.
As for them, the guest of honor at this year's festivalg Palestinian troupe Massrah Diyar Erraqiss which consists of 14 dancers, seduced the audience that showed its profound solidarity with the Palestinian people, including the people of Gaza.
Their show with the rhythm of their music movement has conveyed several messages such as peace, strength and brotherhood among the Arab and Muslim nation.
Palestinian youths committed, attempted, through a contemporary creative art to express the profound identity and the different concerns of the Palestinian people which hope for a free life and a peaceful world.
These Palestinian performances are a mixture between popular Dabka, drama and contemporary dance on the theater stage, revealing issues of human rights and society.