Qurain Cultural Festival

The 23rd edition of Qurain Cultural Festival got underway with honoring the winners of the state incentive and recognition awards for 2016.

    According to Kuwait News Agency, the festival, being organized by the National Council for Culture, Art and Letters (NCCAL), lasts until January 28.

    Kuwaiti Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, who doubles as president of NCCAL, said at the opening ceremony that Kuwait is proud of its innovative thinkers and artists who contribute to the country's high status and civilization.

    Through honoring the pioneers in arts and letters, Kuwait is doing its duty towards not only its citizens but its ambitious cultural project as well, he said.

    Kuwait believes in the role of the intelligentsia in boosting enlightenment, and the values of tolerance, coexistence and opening up to the cultures of other nations, he pointed out.

    Sheikh Salman spoke highly of the contributions of state award laureates to the cultural movement in such areas as literature, theater and formative art. Among the prize winners is Dr. Morsel Al-Ajmi who delivered a speech on behalf of all laureates. 

    The winners of the state awards of recognition are Laila Mohammad Saleh (literature), Ibrahim Al-Sallah (theatrical arts), and Mahmoud Al-Radhwan (formative arts).

    The 13 winners of the incentive awards are; Samar Al-Bader (painting), Maytham Bader (TV drama), Ahmad Al-Awadhi (theatrical drama), Dr. Mubarak Al-Mez'al (theatrical direction), Osama Al-Mezei'l (radio direction), Bader Al-    Haddad, (music composition), Raja' Al-Qahtani and Jaber Al-Ni'mah (poetry), Taleb Al-Rifa'ei (novel writing), Dr. Mohammad Belal and Dr. Morsel Al-Ajmi (criticism), Abdul-Rahman Al-Ibrahim (historical studies), and Dr. Ali Al-Jaafar (education).