Kuwait international monodrama Festival concludes 3rd session

The Third Kuwait International Monodrama Festival concluded on Saturday night with staging 'Qoloub Shuja'a (brave hearts), written by the late Abdullah Al-Furaih, and directed and starred by Jamal Al-Radhan. 
The festival constitutes an important juncture in the theatrical movement in Kuwait, in general, and the art of monodrama, in particular, said Assistant Secretary General of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) for the Arts Sector Dr. Bader Al Duweesh. 
"The Kuwaiti theater has had a remarkable influence regionally and internationally thanks to the presence of a number of distinguished troupes," he told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on the sidelines of the closing ceremony. 
Dr. Al Duweesh thanked the participants in the festival for their rich contributions to the performances, lectures and symposium held during the week-long event. 
Opened on April 16 under the theme of "Saad Al-Faraj Session," the festival brought together dozens of troupes, literary critics and artists from 12 countries. 
The State of Qatar took part in the festival with theatrical performance 'Al-Sajina' (the Female Prisoner). The performance, starring Hanan Sadeq, and authored and directed by Saleh Al-Mannai, was staged in the presence of dozens of literary critics and artists.