Sheikh Ali Khaled al-Jaber al-Sabah (R)

Kuwait, represented by the Ambassador Sheikh Ali Khaled Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, has participated in the commemorative coin celebration, held as part of preparatory activities for the forthcoming major event, the Expo Milano 2015 due on May 1st.
The celebration got underway, late on Friday, when Rome Deputy Mayor Marta Leonori unveiled the prototype memorial coin at Camp Dollio piazza, followed with statements by attending dignitaries. A police band entertained the attendees with some of the most famous music, then students from various nations hoisted flags of 140 States participating in the Expo Milano event -- including the Kuwaiti Flag.
Coin minting dating back to the Roman times was re-played on a silver piece, and later children tossed coins into the plaza fountain making wishes.
The Kuwaiti Ambassador, Sheikh Ali Khaled, in a statement to KUNA, affirmed keenness on participating in such activities and events, preceding the Expo Milano event.
Italian quarters have shown particular interest and appreciation for the tangible Kuwaiti participation in these preliminary activities, thus manifesting the close friendship ties between the two countries.
Ambassador Sheikh Ali Khaled expressed hope the Kuwaiti pavilion at the upcoming international fair would prove effective with respect of reflecting Kuwait's message as a contributor to human civilization. He also voiced satisfaction at mounting mutual cooperation between Kuwait and Italy since establishing diplomatic relations, half a century ago. The mutual cooperation has particularly increased with the historic visit, paid by His Highness the Amir to Italy in 2010.
Meanwhile, Sandro Sassoli, in charge of "time museum," which manages memorial coins' minting for the Expo event, hailed the Kuwaiti ambassador's presence at the festival which depicted "the first minting in human history at the same site 269 BC."