Algerian writers Leila Sebbar and Boualem Sensal will participate in the 2nd Atalntis Literature Festival which will take place from 15 to 18 May in Nantes (west of France), announced the event’s organizers. The Algerian novelists are planned on May 18 for “The major meetings” (devoted to Sansal) organized to “introduce a great contemporary writer” in an interview with a journalist and a critic. Leila Sebbar will enter into dialogue with Canadian writer Isabel Hugan on the theme “privileges” and “constraints” of the mother tongue in relation with the writing language. Novelist and essayist, Sebbar has several works including "Fatima ou les Algériennes du square" (Fatima or the Algerian women of the square) "Le fou de Shéhérazade" (The mad of Sheherazade) and "l'Ecrivain public" (The public writer). Born in 1949, Sansal received several international awards including the Grand Prix de Francophone and the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade.