Multinational orchestra

The sixth international cultural festival of symphonic music closed Friday evening, in Algiers, with a concert given by the multinational orchestra, made up of instrumentalists from nine countries.
No less than 95 musicians performed about fifteen of the most famous classical music pieces, conducted by maestros Mats Rondin, from Sweden, and Amine Kouider, from Algeria, at Mahieddine Bachtarzi National Theatre.
In addition to Algerian musicians, instrumentalists from Finland, Japan, Switzerland, Syria, Sweden, Tunisia, Ukraine and China took part in the musical evening that featured a rich repertoire composed of pieces by famous composers who marked the history of universal music.
Throughout two hours and a half, pieces of Jacques Ibert (1890-1962), Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), Henri Vieuxtemps (1820-1881), Georges Bizet (1838-1875), Ruggero Leoncavalo (1859-1919) and others were performed at the national theatre of Algiers.
The orchestra also performs Giacomo Puccini (1712-1781), Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904), Edvard Grieg (1843-1907), Hilding Rosenberg (1892-1985) and Piotr Illich Tchaïkovski (1840-1893).