Qurain Cultural Festival

The Qurain Cultural Festival in its 21st iteration kicks off here on January 5, 2015 with a great array of cultural, educational, and artistic events that are sure to please the public as in years past, said a festival official on Tuesday.
Holding this festival for 21 years now is an indubitable sign that the Kuwaiti public savors cultural events and shows limitless interest in purposeful seminars and forum and lectures on varied topics and entertaining stage shows and plays and musical presentations, said Assistant Secretary General for Cultural Affairs at the National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCAL) Dr. Bader Al-Duwaish at a press conference today launching this year's Qurain Festival.
He noted with pride that the festival this year will be organized under the banner line "Kuwait is a world humanitarian center," and will promote in no uncertain terms Kuwait's position not only as a beacon of culture locally but also one that attracts world attention and admiration. The festival will last 20 days, he said.
Another speaker at the press conference, Fawziay Al-Ali, head of the local culture department at NCCAL, indicated that the festival will lay out more than 50 cultural activities to be attended by no less than 153 guests from around the world who will be featured in these activities.
Among a gamut of seminars and forums the festival will be undertaking, there will be one themed "His Highness the Amir: a world humanitarian leader and Kuwait : a world humanitarian center" which will shine the light on the humanitarian work being carried out by Kuwait worldwide, said Al-Ali.
Another one will be themed " Achievements of Kuwaiti youth in writing short stories and novels", said Al-Ali, emphasizing that there will be a total of 3 plays, 15 musical presentations, 8 lectures, 3 poetry recitals, four literary forums, 3 art exhibitions, 7 workshops, 6 different book fairs on display at various shopping centers and malls, and two movies. She invited everybody to come out and enjoy this year's festival with its informative and entertaining presentations.