Qurain Cultural Festival

The 21st Qurain Cultural Festival, being held between January 5 and 25, continued its activities on Wednesday with a poetic symposium, a concert, a literary lecture and a movie screening.
The poetic symposium, organized by Kuwait Writers Association (KWA) tonight, dealt with youth lyric poems written by Nada Al-Ahmad, Mohammad Al-Hashemi and Abdullah Al-Anzi.
In the concert, organized by the National Council for Culture, Art and Letters (NCCAL), the popular singer, poet and musician Hamad Al-Emari and female singer Alaa Al-Hindi offered eight songs each.
The literary lecture, given by Mehanna Al-Mehanna, tackled the impacts of the Arabic literature on the European one, including arts of short story novel, poetry and comedy.
As part of the Algerian cinematic nights, the comic film 'Maskhara' was screened by Lila Gallery Cinema.
The feature movie, directed by Ilias Salem won 10 Arab and international awards. The festival, being held under auspices of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, has a 50-item agenda of literary, cultural and artistic events.