13th International Moqavemat (Resistance) Film Festival

The 13th International Moqavemat (Resistance) Film Festival started work in the capital city of Tehran on Sunday night in the presence of a number of state officials and artists and with a message from the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad.
The festival which displays and awards selected films produced with the theme of resistance and defense was inaugurated at Tehran's Vahdat hall and the films go on display in a number of theaters in Tehran and other cities across the country.
The inauguration ceremony of the festival was held in the presence of Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Commander of Basij (volunteer) Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi and other Iranian officials as well as artists from Iran and other world states.
President Assad also sent a message to the film festival. Assad appreciated Iran for hosting the event, and said the films with the theme of resistance contain an important message and record important events for future generations.
He underlined that while there are people who want to conceal the realities and the things which have occured for the resistant people, those who produce resistance films keep the events alive, including the pains of the Syrian people in their fight against the foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists.