King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa on Wednesday called for

King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa on Wednesday called for consolidating the values of tolerance and mutual acceptance as integral parts of Bahrain’s character and culture.

All people in Bahrain should possess these values and protect them as part of their character and as a legacy from their fathers and forefathers, King Hamad said in a message addressed to Bahrainis and residents as the world celebrated the International Day for Tolerance.

“Today, the world celebrates the International Day for Tolerance, an occasion that reminds us of our genuine Bahraini values. These are values that we have inherited from fathers and forefathers over numerous centuries, within which we have learnt fraternity and coexistence, and which remind us of our glorious past, prosperous present and bright future,” he said.

Tolerance, celebrated by the world and by Bahrain, is an integral part of the culture of the Bahraini people who have always welcomed diverse people. “Whoever traverses Bahrain and sees its civilisational accomplishments will certainly realise that they were built on genuine values that have become some of its particular assets.”

King Hamad who started ruling the country since March 1999 said that Bahrain was built on the values of tolerance, openness, love and coexistence, adding that such values have turned it into “an oasis of peace for all religions, creeds and ethnicities.

“We can see today how citizens and residents live and work together in harmony, regardless of their origins, and this reflects the prevalence of tolerance in Bahrain and among its people and their determination to uphold the same. We have regularly stressed this attitude as a firm value of our society that should never be forsaken,” he said.

“Our pride in the tolerance of Bahrain’s society can be seen in its people, in the coexistence of mosques, churches, and Hindu and Jewish temples. This is a unique sight that has remained over several centuries in Bahrain as the visible sign of tolerance and a source of great pride for us.”

King Hamad said that there can be no possibility for abusing religion or sects in the country.

“We do not accept in Bahrain any form of tampering with the principles of religions or sects. Anyone who contravenes this principle does not possess anything from our genuine values as we know them. We are fully aware that our diversity and multiplicity are strength and power,” he said

source : gulfnews