The Ministry of Economy and Commerce shed the light on Law

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce shed the light on Law No. 5 of 2017 on the regulation of dealing in subsidized goods, which HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani issued as the first legislation regulating dealing in subsidized commodities and the trading and oversight of subsidies in order to ensure they reach the intended beneficiaries.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, the ministry said the law came in line with the state's vision that aim to provide choices for citizens to obtain subsidized foodstuffs and fodder at low prices and high quality.
The ministry issued an awareness publication featuring information and advice to introduce to the public the new law, which aims to regulate access to subsidized goods through designated sale centers at commercial markets as well as regulate the trading of subsidized goods according to the highest quality standards that reflect the keenness on meeting the needs of citizen and improving anything that serves their needs, while eliminating the illicit trade of such goods.
The publication included detailed information on the law in order to educate the target groups of beneficiaries and distributors about their rights and duties. The information included the definition of subsidized goods, the conditions and requirements of a license to deal in subsidized goods, the obligations of the holder of such a license, the obligations of the beneficiary, punitive measures towards violators of the law, and how to issue smart subsidy cards.
The law defines subsidized goods as food supply and fodder that are subsidized by the state. It also explained the concept of dealing in subsidized goods as well as the sale, storage, packaging, transporting and subsidized goods. The goods include rice, sugar, evaporated milk, oil, and fodder.
In addition, the law clarified how subsidized goods are specified, explaining that the cabinet issues a decision to specify such goods, their maximum price, and beneficiaries of the subsidy. The minister of economy and commerce shall specify the regulations of licensing the sale of these goods, while the Ministry of Economy and Commerce specifies, in coordination with relevant entities, the specification of subsidized goods, their packaging methods, storage, transportation, distribution, sale and the maximum quantities sold in a specific period whether wholesale or retail. 
Those authorized to deal in subsidized goods must be Qatari nationals and no less than 18 years of age with good reputation, never been sentenced for a dishonorable offense, and never declared their bankruptcy through a final verdict, unless they have been rehabilitated. They also must be registered in the commercial register. 
As for the conditions of obtaining a license to deal in subsidized goods for a legal person, the law stipulated that it must be a Qatari company wholly owned by Qataris. the company's manager should be of a good reputation who wasn't sentenced in a dishonorable offense unless rehabilitated. 
The law stipulated the requirements of licensing for dealing in subsidized goods that are submitted to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce along with supporting documents. Upon payment of the fee, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce shall issue a one-year license. The license may be renewed for a similar period or more. 
The law specified the rules that a license holder must comply with. Holders of permits to deal in subsidized commodities are prohibited from selling them or putting them for sale at a price that exceeds the maximum one; selling them at less weight than that specified by the relevant department; replacing them with commodities of less quality; mixing them or changing their composition and possessing them in that condition; refusing to sell them or selling them at different quantities from the specified limits; hiding them or shutting the store for the purpose of not selling them; imposing a threshold on the purchase of subsidized goods, associating their sale to that of another good, or conditioning their sale to an illegal requirement; selling or storing them outside the licensed place; selling them to non-beneficiary segments unless licensed to do so; and exporting them abroad. 
In addition, holders of such permits and those working for them are prohibited from possessing subsidized goods or dealing in them in any manner that contradicts provisions of the law. They also are prohibited from registering any incorrect data in registries and receipts of subsidized goods. They must keep the invoices or other documents that prove the purchase or sale of such goods, and produce copies to the competent department upon request. 
On the other hand, the law specified the terms and conditions that must be followed by subsidy beneficiaries. After the purchase of subsidized goods from the permit holder, beneficiaries are prohibited from re-selling them, putting them up for sale, swapping them, or dealing in them in any manner that violates provisions of the law. 
In turn, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce stressed the need for license holders to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in Law No. 5 of 2017 on the regulation of dealing in subsidized goods, with inspections set to take place to detect violations. 
The law grants judicial control officers the right to enter shops, warehouses and all non-residential places at any time to inspect and view the records, books and documents that are necessary to carry out their duties and to take copies of them. 

Source: QNA