Investment and International Cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr

Investment and International Cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr said Egypt is an open market for Kazakh investors.
After seven months of restoration, Al-Zahir Rukn Al-Din Baybars Mosque, famously known as "Al-Zahir Baybars Mosque" in Cairo will be re-opened, Nasr said. 
During her participation in a seminar held on Wednesday at the Kazakh embassy in Cairo to mark the 25th anniversary of establishing Egyptian-Kazakh ties, Nasr said that the Kazakh side allocated dlrs 4.5 million for the mosque's restoration.
In a statement by the Investment Ministry on Thursday, Nasr called for beefing up the Kazakh investments through the 13 Kazakh companies working in Egypt and benefiting from the new investment law that gave incentives and investment protection guarantees for investors.
She further underlined the strategic ties between the two countries, citing President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's recent visit to Kazakhstan during which the 5th session of the Egyptian-Kazakh ministerial committee for economic, scientific and technical cooperation held its meetings.
Earlier, the Kazakh President's Special Envoy and Deputy Foreign Minister, Akylbek Kamaldinov, stressed the importance of Egypt's role in the Arab region and its efforts to achieve sustainable development and stability in the region.
Kamaldinov said that relations between Cairo and Astana are time-honored, expressing his country's appreciation of Egypt's leading role in the Middle East region.
In 2016, Kazakhstan celebrated the 25th anniversary of its independence, he said, adding that relations between the two countries dated back to 1991, when Egypt became one of the first countries to acknowledge Kazakhstan after its independence. 

Source: Mena