Tokyo - Xinhua
The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) recovered from a glitch that affected its market data distribution system on Thursday and led to suspended trading of 241 issues. Trading on all issues of the bourse resumed at the start of the afternoon session. Trading of the issues had been suspended on Thursday morning, the bourse said. The investors found it impossible to retrieve information on issues of such companies as Sony and Hitachi. The incident would bring damage to investors and listed companies, the TSE said. The bourse is still investigating the cause of the malfunction. It is the first major system trouble for the TSE since its high- speed trading platform, \"Arrowhead\", was launched in January 2010. Also on Thursday, the Sapporo Securities Exchange, a regional bourse in northern Hokkaido Prefecture, was forced to halt the trading of its 74 stocks, as it employs the same system as the TSE.