Mohab Mamish

The Head of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) and the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) Mohab Mamish said Monday that investment in the region and promoting for the investment opportunities are going on steadily.

The zone attracts the attention of the investors, he noted, adding that the diversity of the investments makes the zone among the priorities of great international firms working in various sectors.

During the periodical meeting held with workers in the SCZone as well as the ports affiliated to it, Mamish underlined that there is coordination between the authority and the Investment Ministry, the parliament's speaker and the head of the parliament's economic zone to set incentives that are suitable for the aspects of the SCZone via the executive regulations of the unified investment law.

He underscored that there is a legal committee representing the authority which is cooperating with the parliament and the ministry to reach a legislation for the SCZone to raise its rating as an international economic region.

Mamish further stressed that the political leadership pays attention to the region's projects, pumping investments in it and facilitating measures for investors.

He said also that he and Investment Minister Sahr Nasr will visit Vietnam and Singapore next week to probe cooperation with great companies there in a number of fields.

Source : Mena