Egyptian singer Hamada Hilal stressed that his recent approval to hold a performance in the Palestinian city of Jericho is not a result of an agreement between him and an Israeli agent. He stated that he entered the Palestinian territories through Jordan and by obtaining an Israeli visa. Hilal said in an interview with the program "one of the people" on the ‘Dream’ satellite channel that no one loves Israel and he only gave his approval to sing in Jericho after he was one hundred percent certain that the event is organized by a Palestinian concert agent and the proceeds of the concert would go to helping poor Palestinians. Hilal added that he entered Palestine through the Jordanian borders and not via an Israeli visa as many had accused him of doing. He added that it grieved his heart to go through the same mistreatment Palestinians encounter on a daily basis, but was always happy when he saw a Palestinian flag but sadden to see an Israeli one right after it. According to the internet website, Hilal revealed that he made it a point to visit Jerusalem during his trip and prayed in the Al Aqsa Mosque. He stressed that throughout his visit he firmly refused to be transported in an Israeli cab and he and his band used the Palestinian buses instead.  He added that on his trip he visited the grave of former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.