Former Beatle Paul McCartney ... undecided

Former Beatle Paul McCartney says he’s undecided on how to vote in Britain’s looming EU referendum — but is comfortable whichever way his compatriots vote.
“It’s crazy in England at the moment!” the British icon told French daily Le Parisien, when asked about the landmark “Brexit” vote due on June 23.
“Everyone I talk to goes from one extreme to the other. I’m the same, I haven’t decided yet,” he added, in comments published in French.
But the 74-year-old, whose Beatles hits include “We Can Work it Out,” “Hello, Goodbye,” “Help!” and “Let it Be,” said he was philosophical about the referendum outcome.
“I keep listening to the arguments, the reasons to stay or leave. But I’m sure the best decision will be taken in a month,” said McCartney, who was due to play at the Bercy stadium in Paris on Monday night.

Source ; Arab News