A total of 47 settlements in the Syrian province of Idlib joined the ceasefire in the last 24 hours

A total of 47 settlements in the Syrian province of Idlib joined the ceasefire in the last 24 hours, at the same time, Russia registered four ceasefire violations in Syria's de-escalation zones, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
"Within last 24 hours, 47 ceasefire agreements have been signed with representatives of inhabited areas of Sruj, Havia, Umm Miall, al Audzha, al Hraba, Kani, Abu Taiga, Burtucale, Ajaz, Sayadi, al Jahman, Sinjar, al Hiara, Mutuasta, Kefraya, Herbet Arab, Abu Sharjah, Cresenta, Kratie, bir Jaafar, Haran, Raff, Abu Habba, tel Marak, Abu Omar, Umm-et-tin, El Phil, Umm al Rjin, Duaibdah, Umm Rafful, al Mashhad, Kleiat, El Loverde, Maksar al Tahtani, Maksar al Foukani, tel Amara, Jub al Gasob, Nabbas al Qibli, Havva, Sheikh Baraka, Dwadia, Harmala, Srie, Qasr al Abyad, tel Audzha, Rabiat Mousse, Habbas a-Shimali," the ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said in a daily bulletin according to Sputnik News Agency on Wednesday.
According to the center, the total number of the settlements that have joined the ceasefire has now reached 1,619.
"Within last 24 hours, the Russian side of the Russia-Turkey Commission on violations of the Joint Agreement has registered 4 cases of firing in the province of Damascus. The Turkish party has registered 3 cases of ceasefire violations in the provinces of Daraa (2), and Damascus (1)," the bulletin read.
The statement noted that most cases of random shooting took place in the areas controlled by terrorist groups.

Source: MENA